Supervised Interns
Miao Sun (Now in WeRide), University of Missouri
Will Y. Zou (Now in Meta), Stanford University
Chengjiang Long (Now in Meta), Stevens Instititue technology
Guobin Chen (Now in WeRide), University of Missouri
Suyog Jain (Now in PathAI), University of Texas, Austin
Zhou Ren(Now in Amazon), University of California , Los Angeles
Satwik Kottur(Now in Meta), Carnegie Mellon University
Hongyu Xu(Now in Apple), University of Maryland, College Park
I gave a tutorial about "Tools for Efficient Object Detection", together with Rogerio Feris, Piotr Dollar, Rodrigo Benenson, Ross Girshick, Kaiming He, ICCV 2015.
ICIP Industry Keynotes, 09/2017.
Invited talk at University of California, San Diego, (invited by Manmohan Chandraker) 03/2017.
Invited talk at Institute of Deep Learning, Baidu, (invited by Kai Yu) 12/2014.
Invited talk at Stanford University, (invited by Fei-Fei Li) 12/2013.
Invited talk at University of California, Berkeley, (invited by Jitendra Malik) 12/2013.
Invited talk at University of Missouri, (invited by Tony X. Han) 03/2013.
Invited talk at IBM Research, (invited by Rogerio Feris) 07/2011.
Review Activities
Journal Review
- Lead Guest Editor, Special Issue for Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience.
- IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence(T-PAMI) .
- IEEE Signal Processing Magzine.
- KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems.
- ACM Transactions on Multimedia (TMM) .
- IEEE Trans. on Image Processing(TIP).
- IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Transactions and Magazine.
- IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (TCSVT).
- Pattern Recogntion (PR).
- Computer Vision and Image Understanding (CVIU).
- Neurocomputing
- Machine Vision and Applications (MVAP).
- Journal of Multimedia (JMM) .
Program Committee member
- Area Chair for CVPR, NeurIPS, WACV
- The BigVision Workshop at CVPR 2015(BigVision 2015)
- The BigVision Workshop at CVPR 2014(BigVision 2014)
- The first BigVision Workshop at NIPS 2012(BigVision 2012)
- The 2nd International Workshop on Machine Learning for Vision-based Motion Analysis(MLVMA09-
Social Activities
President of USTC Southern California Alumni Association, 2015-now
Vice president of USTC Silicon Valley Alumni Association, 2013-2014
Founder and vice president of the Association of Robotics at USTC, 2004-2006
Selected Honors and Awards
AAIA Fellow, 2023.
IEEE Fellow, 2022.
Industrial Leader Award, Asian-Pacific Signal and Information Association.
WU Wen Jun AI Science & Technology Award, First Class, 2021.
Face Recognition Vendor Test (FRVT) Winner for Gender Recognition Technology, 2014 Team Leader.
Face Recognition Vendor Test (FRVT) Runner-up Winner for Age Recognition Technology, 2013 Team Leader.
ICME Best Reviewer Award, 2014.
NEC Commercialization Award for State-of-Art Gender and Age Recognition Systems, 2014.
NEC Commercialization Award for Large Scale Image Retrieval Systems, 2014.
Runner up Winner in ImageNet Large Scale Object Detection Challenge(ILSVRC2013), 2013(Team Leader).
Joint winner in the action classification task of PASCAL VOC 2010 (Key member).
Rank 3rd in the classification task of PASCAL VOC 2010.
ECCV travel grant 2010.
Rank 3rd in the detection task (comp3) of PASCAL VOC 2009 (Team Leader).
Excellent Bachelor Thesis Award of USTC(5%)” 2006.
Guang Hua Fellowship for Outstanding Student of USTC(3%) ” 2005.
Champion of the Robo-Game Competition of USTC ” 2004(Team Leader).
Reward of Education Fund of Anhui Province(0.01%) ” 2002.