Universal Object Detection with Large Vision Model
Feng Lin, Wenze Hu, Yaowei Wang, Yonghong Tian, Guangming Lu, Fanglin Chen, Yong Xu, Xiaoyu Wang
International Journal on Computer Vision, (IJCV 2023)
This method won the second place worldwide in large scale object recognition challenge
All-to-key Attention for Arbitrary Style Transfer
Mingrui Zhu, Xiao He, Nannan Wang, Xiaoyu Wang, Xinbo Gao
International Conference on Computer Vision, (ICCV 2023)
ParCNetV2: Oversized Kernel with Enhanced Attention
Ruihan Xu, Haokui Zhang, Wenze Hu , Shiliang Zhang, Xiaoyu Wang
International Conference on Computer Vision, (ICCV 2023)
Fcaformer: Forward Cross Attention in Hybrid Vision Transformer
Haokui Zhang, Wenze Hu, Xiaoyu Wang
International Conference on Computer Vision, (ICCV 2023)
Unleashing the Full Potential of Product Quantization for Large-Scale Image Retrieval
Yu Liang, Shiliang Zhang, Kenli Li, Xiaoyu Wang
Neural Information Processing System, (NeurIPS 2023)
Boosting Weakly-Supervised Temporal Action Localization with Text Information
Guozhang Li, De Cheng, Xinpeng Ding, Nannan Wang, Xiaoyu Wang, Xinbo Gao
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Patten Recognition, (CVPR 2023)
NAR-Former V2: Rethinking Transformer for Universal Neural Network Representation Learning
Yun Yi, Haokui Zhang, Rong Xiao, Nannan Wang, Xiaoyu Wang
Neural Information Processing System, (NeurIPS 2023)
NAR-Former: Neural Architecture Representation Learning towards Holistic Attributes Prediction
Yun Yi, Haokui Zhang, Wenze Hu, Nannan Wang, Xiaoyu Wang
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Patten Recognition, (CVPR 2023)
ALBench: A Framework for Evaluating Active Learning in Object Detection
Zhanpeng Feng, Shiliang Zhang, Rinyoichi Takezoe, Wenze Hu, Manmohan Chandraker, Li-Jia Li, Vijay K. Narayanan, Xiaoyu Wang
InternationalConference on Automated Machine Learning, (ICAML-W 2022)
Towards Semi-Supervised Deep Facial Expression Recognition with An Adaptive Confidence Margin
Hangyu Li, Nannan Wang, Xi Yang, Xiaoyu Wang, Xinbo Gao
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Patten Recognition, (CVPR 2022)
Improving Adversarial Robustness via Mutual Information Estimation
Dawei Zhou, Nannan Wang, Xinbo Gao, Bo Han, Xiaoyu Wang, Yibing Zhan, Tongliang Liu
International Conference on Machine Learning, (ICML 2022)
Connecting Compression Spaces withTransformer for Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search
Haokui Zhang, Wenze Hu, Xiaoyu Wang
European Conference On Computer Vision, (ECCV 2022)
ParC-Net: Position Aware Circular Convolution with Merits from ConvNets and Transformer
Haokui Zhang, Wenze Hu, Xiaoyu Wang
European Conference On Computer Vision, (ECCV 2022)
KFC: An Efficient Framework for Semi-Supervised Temporal Action Localization
Xinpeng Ding, Nannan Wang, Xinbo Gao, Jie Li, Xiaoyu Wang, Tongliang Liu
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, (TIP 2021)
YMIR: A Rapid Data-centric Development Platform for Vision Applications
Phoenix X Huang, Wenze Hu, William Brendel, Manmohan Chandraker, Li-Jia Li, Xiaoyu Wang
Neural Information Processing System, (NeurIPS-W 2021)
A sketch-transformer network for face photo-sketch synthesis
Mingrui Zhu, Changcheng Liang, Nannan Wang, Xiaoyu Wang, Zhifeng Li, Xinbo Gao
(IJCAI 2021)
Removing Adversarial Noise in Class Activation Feature Space
Dawei Zhou, Nannan Wang, Chunlei Peng, Xinbo Gao, Xiaoyu Wang, Jun Yu, Tongliang Liu
International Conference on Computer Vision, (ICCV 2021)
A Simple and Effective Framework for Pairwise Deep Metric Learning
Qi Qi, Yan Yan, Xiaoyu Wang, Tianbao Yang
European Conference On Computer Vision, (ECCV 2020)
Robust Partial Matching for Person Search in the Wild
Yingji Zhong, iaoyu Wang, Shiliang Zhang
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Patten Recognition, (CVPR 2020)
Stochastic Optimization for Non-convex Inf-Projection Problems
Yan Yan , Xiaoyu Wang, Tianbao Yang
International Conference on Machine Learning, (ICML 2020)
Group Feedback Capsule Network
Xinpeng Ding, Nannan Wang, Xinbo Gao,Jie Li, Xiaoyu Wang, Tongliang Liu
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, (TIP 2020)
Progressive Learning of Low-Precision Networks for Image Classificaiton
Zhengguang Zhou, Wengang Zhou, Xutao Lv, Xuan Huang,Xiaoyu Wang, Houqiang Li
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, (TMM 2020)
Accelerating Deep Learning with Millions of Classes
Zhuoning Yuan, Zhishuai Guo, Xiaotian Yu, Xiaoyu Wang, Tianbao Yang
European Conference On Computer Vision, (ECCV 2020)
Group-Group Loss Based Global-Regional Feature Learning for Vehicle Re-Identification [PDF]
Xiaobin Liu, Shiliang Zhang, Xiaoyu Wang
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, (TIP 2019)
Deep Regionlets: Blended Representation and Deep Learning for Generic Object Detection [PDF]
Hongyu Xu, Xutao Lv, Xiaoyu Wang, Zhou Ren, Rama Chellappa
IEEE Transactions ow Pattery Analysis and Machine Intelligence, (T-PAMI 2019)
Group Feedback Capsule Network [PDF]
Xiaoyu Wang
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, (TIP 2019)
Joint Modeling of Dense and Incomplete Trajectories for Citywide Traffic Volume Inference [PDF]
Xianfeng Tang, Boqing Gong, Yanwei Yu, Huaxiu Yao, Yandong Li, Haiyong Xie, Xiaoyu Wang
The Web Conference, (WWW 2019)
A Robust Zero-Sum Game Framework for Pool-based Active Learning [PDF]
Dixian Zhu, Zhe Li, Xiaoyu Wang, Boqing Gong, Tianbao Yang
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, (AISTATS 2019)
Fast Stochastic AUC Maximization with O(1/n)-Convergence Rate [PDF]
Mingrui Liu, Xiaoxuan Zhang, Zaiyi Chen, Xiaoyu Wang, Tianbao Yang
International Conference on Machine Learning, (ICML 2018)
Deep Regionlets for Object Detection [PDF]
Hongyu Xu, Xutao Lv, Xiaoyu Wang, Zhou Ren, Rama Chellappa
European Conference on Computer Vision, (ECCV 2018)
Regionlets is actually an extremely flexible framework since its invention in 2013, check our approach using gating network for feature selection
RED-Net: A Recurrent Encoder-Decoder Network for Video-based Face Alignment [PDF]
Xi Peng, Rogerio S. Feris, Xiaoyu Wang, Dimitris N. Metaxas
International Journal on Computer Vision, (IJCV 2018)
IJCV Special Issue on "Best Papers in ECCV"
An Aggressive Genetic Programming Approach for Searching Neural Network Structure Under Computational Constraints [PDF]
Zhe Li, Xuehan Xiong, Zhou Ren, Ning Zhang, Xiaoyu Wang, Tianbao Yang
Preprint, (Arxiv 2018)
Adaptive Negative Curvature Descent with Applications in Non-convex Optimization [PDF]
Mingrui Liu, Zhe Li, Xiaoyu Wang, Jinfeng Yi, Tianbao Yang
Neural Information Processing System, (NIPS 2018)
SEP-Nets: Simple and Effective Pattern Networks [PDF]
Zhe Li, Xiaoyu Wang, Xutao Lv, Tianbao Yang
Exploring Personalized Neural Conversational Models [PDF]
Satwik Kottur, Vitor Carvalho, Xiaoyu Wang
Internation Conference on Artificial Intelligence, (IJCAI 2017)
Deep Reinforcement Learning-based Image Captioning with Embedding Reward [PDF]
Zhou Ren, Xiaoyu Wang, Ning Zhang, Xutao Lv, Jia Li
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, (CVPR 2017)
Oral Presentation, nominated to "Best Student Paper"
A Recurrent Encoder-Decoder Network for Sequential Face Alignment [PDF]
Xi Peng, Rogerio S. Feris, Xiaoyu Wang, Dimitris N. Metaxas
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, (ECCV 2016)
Oral Presentation, Best Student Paper Nomination
Semantic-aware co-indexing for image retrieval [PDF]
Shiliang Zhang, Ming Yang, Xiaoyu Wang, Yuanqing Lin
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, (T-PAMI 2015)
Regionlets for Generic Object Detection [PDF] [Video] [Oral presentation] [ImageNet presentation]
Xiaoyu Wang, Ming Yang, Shenghuo Zhu, Yuanqing Lin
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, (T-PAMI 2015)
Check our longer version for more details about the Regionlets technology
Hyper-class Augmented and Regularized Deep Learning for Fine-grained Image Classification [PDF]
Saining Xie, Tianbao Yang, Xiaoyu Wang, Yuanqing Lin
CVPR 2015, (CVPR 2015)
Scalable feature matching by dual cascaded scalar quantization for image retrieval
Wengang Zhou, Ming Yang, Xiaoyu Wang, Hongqiang Li, Yuanqing Lin, Qi Tian
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, (T-PAMI 2015)
Cross Indexing with Grouplets
Shiliang Zhang, Xiaoyu Wang, Yuanqing Lin, Qi Tian
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, (T-MM 2015)
Towards Codebook-free: Scalable Cascaded Hashing for Mobile Image Search [PDF]
Wengang Zhou, Ming Yang, Houqiang Li, Xiaoyu Wang, Yuanqing Lin, Qi Tian
in IEEE Transaction on Multimedia(T-MM' 2013), (T-MM 2014)
Object-centric Sampling for Fine-grained Image Classification [PDF]
Xiaoyu Wang,Tianbao Yang,Guobin Chen, Yuanqing Lin
Preprint, (arxiv 2014)
Scale-aware Object Detection, fine-grained image classification
Generic Object Detection with Dense Neural Patterns and Regionlets [PDF]
Will Zou, Xiaoyu Wang, Miao Sun, Yuanqing Lin
Technic Report, (TR 2013, BMVC 2014)
Intern projects under my supervision, Regionlets with CNN, tractable computation.
Accurate Object Detection with Location Relaxation and Regionlets Relocalization [PDF]
Chengjiang Long, Xiaoyu Wang, Gang Hua, Ming Yang, Yuanqing Lin
in Proc. 12th Asian Conf. on Computer Vision(ACCV'2014), (ACCV 2014)
Intern project under my supervision, it achieves the best performnce on PASCAL VOC 2007 as well as KITTI object deteciton dataset. Also check the tracking submissions on KITTI which utilize Regionlets to get state-of-art performace.
Regionlets for Generic Object Detection [PDF] [Video] [Oral presentation] [ImageNet presentation]
Xiaoyu Wang, Ming Yang, Shenghuo Zhu, Yuanqing Lin
in Proc. IEEE 14th International Conf. on Computer Vision(ICCV'2013), (ICCV 2013)
Oral presentation (acceptance rate < 2.5%), Runner up Winner in the ImageNet large scale object detection challenge (ILSVRC 2013)
Semantic-aware Co-indexing for Near-duplicate Image Retrieval [PDF]
Shiliang Zhang, Ming Yang, Xiaoyu Wang, Yuanqing Lin, Qi Tian
in Proc. IEEE 14th International Conf. on Computer Vision(ICCV'2013), (ICCV 2013)
Hierarchical Feature Pooling with Structure Learning: A new method for Pedestrain Detection [PDF]
Xiaoyu Wang, Liangliang Cao, Rogerio Feris, Ankur Data, Tony X. Han
in CVPR 2013 workshop, (CVPRW 2013)
map the original feature to high dimensional space after coding and pooling. (We use the original feature instead of codes), can capture coase to fine spatial layout.
Histogram of Oriented Normal Vectors for Object Recognition with a Depth Sensor [PDF]
Tang, X Wang, X Lv, TX Han, J Keller, Z He, M Skubic, S Lao
The 11th Asian Conference on Computer Vision 2012(ACCV'2012), (ACCV 2012)
Oral presentation (acceptance rate < 3.6%)
Detection by Detections: Non-parametric Detector Adaptation for a Video [PDF]
Xiaoyu Wang, Gang Hua, Tony X. Han
in Proc. IEEE 14th International Conf. on Computer Vision(ICCV'2009), (CVPR 2012)
A first try to use detections to help detections in a video.
Contextual Weighting for Vocabulary Tree Based Image Retrieval [PDF] [dataset]
Xiaoyu Wang, Ming Yang, Timothee Cour, Shenghuo Zhu, Kai Yu, Tony X. Han
in Proc. IEEE 13th International Conf. on Computer Vision(ICCV'2011), (ICCV 2011)
Excellent performance with fast speed for large scale image retrieval.
Efficient Re-Ranking in Vocabulary Tree Based Image Retrieval [PDF]
Xiaoyu Wang, Ming Yang, Kai Yu
in the 45th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, (Asilomar 2011)
Invited book chapter
Discriminative Tracking by Metric Learning [PDF]
Xiaoyu Wang, Gang Hua, Tony X. Han
in Proc. the 11th European Conf. on Computer Vision (ECCV'2010), (ECCV 2010)
Discriminative Multiple Target Tracking [PDF]
Xiaoyu Wang, Ming Yang, Kai Yu
in Machine Learning for Vision based Motion Analysis, (MLVMA 2010)
Invited book chapter
An HOG-LBP human detector with partial occlusion handling [PDF] [oral presentation] [code] [Video] [bibtex]
Xiaoyu Wang, Tony X. Han, Shuicheng Yan
in Proc. IEEE 14th International Conf. on Computer Vision(ICCV'2009), (ICCV 2009)
Oral presentation (acceptance rate < 3.6%), ICCV 2009 most cited papers rank #1)
Build A Robot from Scratch with Steering Engines and Stepper Motors
Xiaoyu Wang
in Robotics Innovation, Science Press, 2008,